Aerotact Pty Ltd (ABN 67 360 545 042) is the supplier for the range of products and services listed on our wed site. You can contact us in writing or by phoning our Customer Service centre.
What does “personal information” mean?
Personal information is any information about you that identifies you or by which your identity can be reasonable determined.
How do we collect personal information?
We collect information about you through our product purchase process, through news letter registration, or through request for sales or support actions and through various other forms.
How do we use information we collect?
Generally, we only use personal information that we collect from you for the purpose of managing your customer account.
Do we disclose your personal information to anyone?
Aerotact Pty Ltd may disclose your personal information in certain circumstances. Generally, we do not disclose your personal information to any third party, unless that party is contracted to Aerotact Pty Ltd to provide administrative services or activities on our behalf and that party is bound by the same privacy rules we follow.
Sometimes, if there is a dispute about a service we may disclose personal information about you to other experts such as legal advisers.
Occasionally, we are required or authorised by law to disclose your personal information. For example, we may disclose your personal information to the Australian Taxation Office following a direction issued under taxation laws or to a Court in response to a subpoena.
We may disclose your personal information to third parties where you give us written permission to do so (for example, to a professional body with whom you are a member).
Can you access the personal information we hold about you?
You may request access to any of the personal information we hold about you. A summary of personal information such as your name and address details, contact telephone numbers, is available to you by calling us on 61 7 3623 4422.
For security reasons however, we will not give information over the telephone unless the person making the enquiry is able to answer a list of questions to confirm their identity. You cannot access information about any other customer.
Aerotact Pty Ltd may retain your personal information for a period of time after you have ceased your relationship with us. When we believe it is no longer necessary to hold your personal information in our archiving system we attend to the secure destruction or deletion of your personal information.
How do we protect your information and ensure it is accurate?
Only authorised staff who are employed have access to your personal details. The administration systems used to manage your account information incorporates the use of secure hardware and software products which protect against unauthorised access.
Dealing with Aerotact Pty Ltd via the Internet
You may have concerns about the personal information collected about you online or the security of your personal information that may be exchanged between us online.
Information collected about you online:
The Strong Guard Website provides a number of services to you.
Security of your personal information online:
Generally email is not a secure way to communicate. However, our Website uses industry standard security protocols to protect the personal information you disclose in using our online facilities.
Who should you contact if you have any questions regarding our Privacy Policy?
We are happy to answer your queries relating to your privacy. Contact details appear below:
T: 61 7 3623 4422
F: 61 7 3623 4401
Can you complain about a breach of your privacy?
If you believe that we have not protected your personal information as set out in this Privacy Policy you may lodge a complaint with us in any of the following ways:
T: 61 7 3623 4422
F: 61 7 3623 4401
What if you are not satisfied with our response?
If you are not satisfied with the result of your complaint to us, you can refer your complaint to the Federal Privacy Commissioner.
You can contact the Australian Federal Privacy Commissioner by:
T: 1300 363 992
Write to:
Director of Complaints
Office of the Federal Privacy Commissioner
GPO Box 5218